was at Bolgart through a mutual love of tennis and other sports
that Rica was to meet her future husband. Sydney Uden Erickson
(1908-1987) was also born on the Goldfields (Broad Arrow)
and moved to East Fremantle when he was eight years old. He
attended Narrogin Agricultural School and then gained considerable
farming experience on properties at Katanning, Bindoon and
Morawa and was share farming in Bolgart when he met Rica.
After playing tennis, they would play card games and share
meals with other local families. Rica and Sydney were married
in the Methodist Church in Fremantle in June 1936, and Rica
retired from teaching.

In 1938 they purchased an uncleared portion of the Gripthorpe
property at Bolgart from the AMP Society. The Ericksons named
their property 'Fairlea' because as it was a fair property
at a fair price, located on a rolling landscape like a lea.
They cleared the land with the help of Italian migrants working
in the district and then commenced mixed cropping (wheat,
barley, oats, sub-clover and rye grass) and running sheep.
couple had four children between 1939 and 1943: Dorothy (1939),
John (1940), Bethel (1942), and Robin (1943).
The war
years brought not only the joy of her new family and building
a home for Rica, but also the distress of her brother, Clive
Sandilands, being held as a prisoner of war by the Japanese.
I had
a young brother who had volunteered to go in the Air Force
and before he was trained into it, he had a sickness which
disqualified him. Then he went into the Army and was one
of those that went into Timor, and was captured by the Japanese
which was a terrible blow for us, because we were hearing
about when the Japanese took over; the atrocities were coming
through. We were allowed through the Red Cross to send a
kind of a lettergram, you might call it. We were limited
to the number of words practically, and we were told that
if there was an avalanche of letters going to one particular
person, that they'd be culled out and they'd only receive
one or so. So we made sure that my mother and father had
used their regular supply, and the rest of us put our letters
in. We tried to make cryptic messages so that they were
a sort of sign that things were going on all right here,
such as: 'Dad has just bought a new tractor,' or else I'd
say something about my children doing this, that or the
other, so they would know a little. We learnt afterwards
when he came back that he received quite a number of our
cards and that they were a great morale booster. (Battye
Library, OH 2526, p.95)
her children were small, their wellbeing and education were
Rica's first priority. She also devoted herself to working
on the farm and community and sporting activities, which included
membership of the Bolgart Tennis Club, Hockey Club and Golf
Her extensive
community involvement included the Parents & Citizens
Association, the Progress Association, Red Cross, Country
Women's Association, as an adult adviser to Junior Farmers,
the Historical Society, and on committees for the Adult Education
Box Scheme and for the Toodyay Gaol Museum. She still, however,
made time to instil in her family a love of the bush.
I went out bush and before they went to school, we used
to go on walks out in the bush. I got them used to the bush
that they were allowed to travel in, but there were certain
areas around Bolgart which were delightful, about three
miles or more from our place, on the top of a hill where
the road went up and over. If you walked off the road you
went into a patch of bush that was never cleared because
it was so rocky. You'd find little rockholes filled with
moss and other little things that grew in them, particularly
my trigger plants, the tiny ones, the ephemeral trigger
plants; the ones that come away the same time as moss comes
green again. We used to go and have our picnics there whenever
we could find the time to take the whole lot of them together.
(Battye Library, OH 2526, p. 117)