SCHOOLTEACHER (1928 - 1936)
first posting after gaining her teaching qualification was
Aurora School. Located between Cranbrook and Kojonup, she
opened the one-teacher school to an enrolment of ten children
and boarded with a local family sharing a bedroom with three
of her pupils. To overcome the isolation, she purchased and
learnt to ride a motorcycle.
The next
appointment was at Youngs Siding, located between Denmark
and Albany, another one-teacher school with 32 students. The
township boasted the relative luxury of a store and connection
to the railway line, and Rica, while boarding with a local
family, had her own room. It was at Youngs Siding she decided
she would attempt her A certificate in teaching and chose
as her optional subject research on the native orchids that
were so abundant in the district.
I used
to go bush there quite a lot, and you had to go a fair way
because it was all under cultivation for potatoes, but along
the side of the roads there was bush. If I went far enough
I'd get to the cliffs and the heathlands that led out to
the cliffs. And once I got to the cliffs, I knew it was
close because you would hear the thunder rumbling, and the
rumbling of thunder in winter time down there. On a spring
day, I'd walk out, on a weekend, out to the cliffs and there'd
be this beautiful blue lace flower, just masses of it, a
beautiful blue and beautiful fresh green. There was the
beautiful blue ocean, a different blue, and the beautiful
blue sky, and it was just a wonderful sensation just to
go out and look and see the bush there. (Battye Library,
OH 2526, p. 76)