IN PERTH (1965 - 2001)
Syd and
Rica retired from farming when his back could no longer cope
with the heavy work involved and the property passed on to
their son John. After an extended trip to Europe the couple
moved to Nedlands in 1965, a suburb of Perth, where they built
their new home.
myself I was very happy. Although we are both people who
are happiest in the wide open spaces of farms, and even
the desert, we found travelling was easy, and we did do
quite a bit of travelling. But for myself I found it was
good because although I was away from my birds and my bush
plants, I was near the Battye Library, and also I was within
easy distance of the Naturalists' Club Hall and the [Royal
Western Australian] Historical Society Hall, and the university.
I found that all my interest could be catered for in a writing
field instead of an observing field. (Battye Library, OH
2526, p. 137)
Bolgart, Rica had spent much of her time researching the history
of the district and the move to Perth allowed her the opportunity
to write and publish this material. The Drummonds of Hawthornden
was published in 1969 followed by the Victoria Plains
in 1971, Old Toodyay and Newcastle in 1974, The
Dempsters in 1978, The Brand on his Coat in 1983,
The Bride Ships in 1992 and The Misfortunes of Phoebe
in 1997. While working on projects with other historians,
Rica was also gaining a reputation as an expert in the field
of genealogy which culminated in the publication of The
Dictionary of Western Australians 1829-1914 in 1979 and
The Bicentennial Dictionary of Western Australians pre
1829-1888 in 1988.
In 1983 the Ericksons sold their home and moved to the Salvation
Army Retirement Village in Nedlands. They celebrated their
golden wedding anniversary in 1986, but Syd died suddenly
the following year. In 2001, aged 93, Rica continued to live
in her own home, enjoying her extended family, and still researching,
writing, publishing and painting.