Finding Beauty

George Fletcher Moore, the Tanners and Eliza Shaw initially expressed disillusionment with the environment and this is the dominant story about colonists' relationship with the land. However, they also found much to appreciate in the 'new' landscapes. For example, George Fletcher Moore wrote: 'The scenery here is romantic, the soil on the banks tolerably good'[2] and 'The spring of grass is amazing - everything green; beautiful little flowers, their heads like snow-drops, and having very much the fragrance of the hawthorn blossom, have sprung up in great profusion.'[3]
Eliza Shaw also found the scenery beautiful and even when tragedy struck her family and two of her sons drowned in the river she used romantic language to describe their gravesite: 'their grave (which is one of the most beautiful and romantic spots in the world commanding noble and extensive views) is overshadowed by beautiful native Cypress, Black Wattle and other weeping shrubs.'[4]
In spite of her grief at having tragically lost two sons in what she could have described as a harsh and forgiving environment, Eliza found beauty in this landscape. She did not wish that they were buried in English soil or their graves marked with oak or willow trees.
Page last updated: Wednesday 21 March 2012 by Illona Tobin Asset ID 38161
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