The debate
Much of the debate surrounding the question of whether Western Australia should enter the Federation centred on tariffs and economic matters, with both sides throwing numbers at each other.
A large part of the public debate also dealt with identity. Many of the
miners on the goldfields were either born or had spent much of their lives
in Victoria, New South Wales and South Australia, and it was natural for
them to feel affinity for Federation. The nationalistic workers and miners
of the goldfields, and their unions, strongly backed Federation. They believed
it would give them stronger representation, more rights and protect them
against Western Australian politicians.
up in opposition to the pragmatic government of John Forrest and the conservative
Legislative Council were the colony's leading liberals and reformers. George
Leake and
Walter James
worked with the newspaper editor, and later politician, John Kirwan,
to coordinate a joint campaign between the goldfields and pro-federationists
in Perth. Much of the debate revolved around persuading the Legislative
Council to allow a vote on federation. Frustration at Forrest's
reluctance to push for the referendum to be put the people is evident in
Leake's letter of 12 September 1899 to his fellow federalist John Kirwan
"... the electors have not spoken at all on the Federal question.
They had no voice in the selection of delegates. There has been no general
election at which Federation has been the paramount question and they
have not voted on the draft bill ... The government are it seems to
me pledged by the agreement at the Premiers conference to send the bill
to the people without amendment and for the decision of the bare majority.
In the face of popular agitation and the numerously signed petitions
which I am about to present any departure will be prima facie in oppostion
to the will of the electors. We then point out to the Governor that
he would be justified in dissolving Parliament ... He is a Federalist
and will if he can assist us in any constitutional way ..." [Battye
Library, Acc 383A]
For the Federal League, the referendum when it finally came allowed them the chance to argue passionately for a unified Australian nation.