John Kirwan (1869-1949)
Kirwan was a goldfields' journalist and politician who campaigned vigorously
for Federation. Born in Ireland, he migrated to Australia in 1889, working
as a journalist in Brisbane, Melbourne, country Victoria, Sydney and New
Zealand before taking the editorship of the Port Augusta Dispatch
in South Australia. In November 1895 he became editor of the Western
Argus and the Kalgoorlie Miner, shortly after becoming a joint
Under Kirwan the Kalgoorlie Miner became an important voice for the
miners of the goldfields. By 1898 he had become a harsh critic of the Forrest
Government complaining of inadequate parliamentary representation and the
lack of services provided to the goldfields' population, as well as moves
to restrict the rights of alluvial miners. Importantly, Kirwan and the Kalgoorlie
Miner played a significant role in the Western Australian Federation
Forrest's unwillingness to hold a referendum on Federation, especially after
similar votes had been successful in the eastern colonies, led Kirwan to
propose the separation of the goldfields from Western Australia. The new
colony could then join the Commonwealth of Australia as a separate State.
He helped form the Eastern Goldfields Reform League in December 1899, which
got up a petition to present to the Queen with the signatures of more than
27,000 male residents. Separation was regarded by many as a tactic to force
Forrest to put the referendum. Walter James wrote to Kirwan on 12 August
1899 that
"I think you on the Fields and the Eastern Press also should
go for separation without any reservation and with gloves off. I advise
this without any hesitation because I know it to be an impossibility and
the only effect of it would and could be to draw the whole colony into
line with the Fields." [Battye Library, Acc 383A]
In any event, when the referendum was finally put the goldfields voted overwhelmingly in favour of Federation, helping to carry the overall vote.
Kirwan was elected as the Member for Kalgoorlie in the first Federal election
of 1901, advocating free trade and the construction of a transcontinental
railway with an extension to Esperance. Defeated by a Labor Party candidate
in 1903, he entered the Legislative Council as an Independent in 1908 and
remained a member of the State Parliament until his retirement in 1946.