began on the West Australian Biographical Index (WABI) in
the early 1970s when information was sought on people who
lived in Western Australian prior to 1914. Publicity was sent
out through local libraries, historical groups and in publication
such as the West Australian. Western Australians were
asked to provide genealogical information, not only on prominent
identities, but also from their family records including the
arrival in Western Australia, occupations, dates of birth,
marriages and deaths of their ancestors. Historical material
such as diaries, letters, business records, minute books,
maps, family trees and photographs, were also sought for copying.
for the index closed in December 1979, and were filed at the
Battye Library for reference. Rica and a growing band of helpers
sorted through the flood of information that arrived and also
methodically went through resource material at the Battye
Library. They searched through passenger lists, church registers,
the WA almanacs and directories, the index to the WA Government
Gazettes, and old newspapers such as the Inquirer
and Perth Gazette to find additional details. All this
information was condensed and handwritten on individual cards
and sorted alphabetically by surname.
the end of 1979 Rica had kept all this research material in
her Nedlands home. The study was filled with the files and
shoeboxes of material, and the room was so full, she had to
crouch under the card table she worked on to get to the chair
to her desk. Battye Library staff came to the rescue and provided
both work and storage space. Rica would regularly work at
the library on Mondays to update and revise the biographical
material collected was microfilmed and the reels of microfilm
and her biographical cards are widely used for genealogical
research in the Battye Library. The cards contain summarised
information and may include date of arrival in Western Australia,
dates of births, deaths and marriages of family members, where
they lived and occupation.
In 1987
Rica Erickson was made an honorary life member of the WA Genealogical
Society and unanimously elected to the position of Fellow
of the Western Australian Genealogical Society. The honour
was in recognition of her outstanding contribution to the
science and practice of family history in Western Australia
through the compilation of the Western Australian Biographical
Index and the editing of the Dictionary of Western Australia