Front page of Norwoodiana
Babette Augustin and children in front of the family farm
- Diary of Babette Augustin
Butterfly Orchid
- Rica Erickson (Botanical Collection)
Sir Norman
Brearley's pilot licence
Norwoodiana or sayings and doings en route to Western Australia was a manuscript journal written by William Irwin during the 1867 voyage of the convict ship Norwood. Irwin was the Religious Instructor on board. There are 11 editions in total of which the Battye Library holds an original of edition number 6, dated 1 June 1867 and transcripts of all editions. Only the Mitchell Library in Sydney holds a complete set of the original journals.
Like all editions it has the position of the ship at the time, being latitude 17�, 36' south and longitude 34�, 10' west, putting her off the coast of Brazil. The ship had travelled 1353 miles since Sunday 26 May.
This particular edition contains an entry on self respect, a letter to the editor, continuations of "Adventures in India by an old soldier," and "Western Australia, its history and resources," an announcement of the birth of a son to Francis Lindsay, a weekly record of the voyage, daily distances for the week, some notices regarding bible classes, and several conundrums (or riddles). As well there is a sketch of a boat travelling on the Swan River.
William Irwin made several voyages to WA as a religious instructor on convict ships - Palmerston 1861, Clara 1864, Racehorse 1865, Belgravia 1866 and Norwood 1867.
(Click on one of the thumbnails above to see a larger image)
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