Address from the Mayor & Councillors of York, 1895
Babette Augustin and children in front of the family farm
- Diary of Babette Augustin
Butterfly Orchid
- Rica Erickson (Botanical Collection)
Sir Norman
Brearley's pilot licence
Illuminated addresses were generally presented to persons of prominence or importance upon their leaving a position or as a mark of respect for services rendered. They were usually beautifully hand written in a very formal style and often fulsome in their praise. To present day eyes, they can appear very stilted, but with their beautiful decorations, such as ink or water colour drawings and elaborate calligraphy, they are true works of art.
The Battye Library holds many illuminated addresses, but the finest are those presented to Sir Gerard Smith, Governor of Western Australia 1895-1900.
(Click on one of the thumbnails above to see a larger image)
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