Juniper Teacher Resources<

Our Friend, The Lonely Mason Judy

Discussion Points

  1. Describe what you can see in the painting. How does this relate to the text?
  2. How do you think Mason is feeling? Why?

Discussion Points

  1. Mason Judy moves to Byamee Gardens. Among South Eastern Australian Aboriginal People Byamee or Baimee refers to the place of creation or the creator/ sky god. Why do you think Trevor Todd has named the housing Estate Byamee Gardens? What is he trying to convey?
  2. There is a street and a lane named Byamee in NSW. Many Aboriginal words have become place names or common words in Australian English over time - eg billabong, budgerigar, yakka and even the name Kylie.
    Can you find any places, plants or animals in WA that are named using Aboriginal words?

Discussion Points

  1. Almost 40 years has passed since this illustration was painted. How does Mason look the same/different to a boy today?


Historical Knowledge and Understanding, Historical Skills
  1. Create a timeline of photos of your grandparents, parents and you (perhaps you have even older photos). Try to use photos where you are approximately the same age. If you do not have access to photos you could use photos from the library’s collection.. Use a Venn diagram to demonstrate what has changed over time. Consider; style of photo, clothing, items in the photo, hairstyles etc.

Other Resources:

Please note: The content on this website is made available for archival purposes and may not meet the State Library of Western Australia's current standards for web accessibility, mobile device compatibility, historical accuracy and cultural sensitivity.