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Reviewing George Fletcher Moore

Diary of Ten Years and The Millendon Memoirs - How are they different?

Diaryof10Years There are many differences between the Diary of Ten Years and The Millendon Memoirs, many of which are of no consequence. There are, though, a number of significant differences between these two volumes.

These include the extra material in The Millendon Memoirs on political events, the more detailed accounts of the killing of two Aboriginal leaders (Midgegooroo and Yagan), the more complete descriptions of the flora, Moore's domestic activities, Moore's emotional responses to colonial life and his attitudes towards the Aboriginal people.

These differences are all interesting and important for a more complete understanding of George Fletcher Moore and the Swan River Colony, but the focus here will be with Moore's attitudes to the Aboriginal people.

Millendon Memiors Cover
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Page last updated: Tuesday 18 January 2011 by Illona Tobin Asset ID 38753
Editors for this page nick 2nd account

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