Frederick Vosper (1869-1901)
Charles Burleigh Vosper was a radical and vitriolic newspaper editor who
played a prominent part in the Western Australian Federation Movement.
A passionate believer in trade unionism, republicanism and a white Australia,
he represented the miners of the Kalgoorlie Goldfields in State Parliament.
Vosper was a popular, charismatic figure and a fiery public speaker.
Born at St Dominic Cornwall on 23 March 1869, Vosper migrated to Australia
in 1886. On arriving at Charters Towers in the north Queensland goldfields
he took up a career in journalism at the Northern Miner where he
developed a reputation as a radical journalist with a fiery, flamboyant
public speaking style and a strong sympathy for trade unionism. By 1890
he had become the editor of the Australian Republican. Vosper was
acquitted of two charges of seditious libel following his 'Bread or Blood'
editorial in which he condoned revolution during the 1891 shearers' strike.
The following year he was imprisoned for three months for inciting a riot
during a miners' strike.
Vosper became editor of the Coolgardie Miner (1894-97). The newspaper
was a mouthpiece for his views on republicanism, opposition to Asian immigrants,
justice for the working man and a whole range of local issues, such as miners'
rights. He also argued for electoral redistribution to give the goldfields
a fairer representation in Western Australia's Parliament. After unsuccessful
negotiations with the Political Labor Party he ran as an Independent for
the Legislative Assembly seat of North-East Coolgardie in the election of
Moving to Perth to sit in Parliament, Vosper helped establish the Sunday
Times, becoming editor in 1898. While in Parliament he supported issues
such as votes for women, a minimum wage, compulsory arbitration, penal reform
and reform of the Lunacy Act.
By 1900 Vosper had come to oppose Federation on the terms being offered
and actually campaigned for a 'No' vote. Many of his goldfields' colleagues
denounced him, but his anxiety and passionate belief in Federation is evident
in his letter to John Kirwan of 6 May 1899 in which he states that,
"In keeping silence in the Miner you have done me
great service, in other words trusted me - which is the greatest and best
of all kindnesses. I can quite understand your surprise at my attitude
although you will remember that I have always insisted on a transcontinental
line as a vitally necessary concomitant of federation. Nevertheless I
was and am prepared to accept federation at a sacrifice, if need be. But
I have been alarmed by the proposal already made to run the line from
Sydney to Port Darwin. If that is done before the Fremantle-Augusta line
is built our isolation and consequent fossilisation under federation will
be worse than it is today. And upon the removal of this isolation our
commercial progress and political enfranchisement depends. I am not disputing
federation - far from it - but the Pt Darwin railway. I want to make plain
to WA people what we are likely to lose by it and also to show the eastern
leaders that if this project is persevered in it will only be at the cost
of alienating WA. Of course we know that if we keep out of federation
the Pt Darwin line will be built, but we want to get federation plus our
railway. The two must come together for either to be effective. Now as
to whether my action will wreck federation in this colony I contend that
inside a month it will be recognized what I have done is much if not more
than anyone else to promote it ...
All of this we can't explain to the public; but you will understand
me better for the explanation. I am playing a big game; and if my friends
on the fields will but suspend their judgement for a while success will
justify me." [Battye Library Acc 383A]
After the success of the referendum Vosper nominated as a candidate for
the Senate as a free-trade liberal. But on the 6 January 1901, just five
days after the Commonwealth of Australia came into existence, he collapsed
and died from an attack of appendicitis at the age of thirty-one.