Edmund Ashworth, detail of letter to brother from York, Swan River, Western Australia 17th June 1860, MN1932 ACC897A
[I had a letter from Sister Esters Charley which I received on the 17th March last and they where[sic] doing pretty well Mother had got a cow and a pig, I also received one from Brother James in December last and wrote one to him on the 1st January.] Dear Brother I have not heard anything of Sister Mary of late and cannot find out what has become of her and Family.
I am doing pretty well but I think sometimes I might do better in your country it is [very rare?] that a vessel goes direct from this to America. I have £40 pounds in the Bank. I should not mind paying about £30 passage money if I could get to you for I think if we were together we could get along. I am still a teetotaller of about 24 years standing am as healthy as a march hare, and feel quite young but I cannot jump has [sic] I could once, I have just made a pair of clogs tops and bottoms the only pair I have made since I left Lancashire. I have got them on my feet at the moment to day [sic] is Sunday and is getting [sundown a little after 6 o�clock.]
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