Extract from interview with Sir Ronald Wilson, former Solicitor General, WA (1969-79), former Judge of the High Court (1979-89), President of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, 1990-97.
The case I like to think started the centralist rot, if you
like to call it that, was in 1935 when the High Court had to rule on the
scope of Section 96 of the Constitution ... the Section that authorises
grants, money grants to the States. The argument that the founders of
the Constitution would have supported without question was that the Commonwealth
could only make grants in relation to those matters for which it had specific
legislative power in the Constitution. The founding fathers were very
harsh on the Commonwealth. They saw it as merely a minimal government
with authority over defence and international affairs but in those days
there was only a question of maintaining embassies and things like that.
That's all they thought that external affairs would cover. They insisted
that the Commonwealth could only have the money it would get from Customs
and Excise and it had to give three-quarters of any surplus to the States
anyway. It didn't find the power in the Constitution to impose an income
tax till the First World War when there was no argument - Australia needed
the money. In 1935 the argument was whether the Commonwealth had unlimited
power to grant money for any purpose, and the court decided it could attach
conditions, grant money on condition, and that is how the Commonwealth
came into the education field, for example. It has no legislative power
over education. But by making grants to the States on condition that they
use it for university support or whatever the quite detailed conditions,
they've been able to move into areas where the Constitution never anticipated
that they would go. As it has been said of that decision, it tied the
States to the chariot wheels of the Commonwealth.
Sir Ronald Wilson, March 2000
[Battye Library, OH3011]