The following short bibliography lists the primary sources, newspapers,
oral histories and secondary sources held by the JS Battye Library of West
Australian History and used in researching and writing Western Australia
and Federation.
Primary Sources
MN606 - Acc 260A, 1929 Commonwealth of Australia Report of the Royal
Commission into the Constitution together with appendices and index. Signed
copy of Sir Hal Colebatch.
MN591 - Acc 383A, Sir John Kirwan Collection. See especially 25 letters
regarding the Separation for Federation Movement, including letters from
George Leake, Sir Walter James and Frederick Vosper. Letters also deal with
attitudes to trans- Australian railway.
MN609 - Acc 431A, Dominion League Records, 1927-1942.
Acc 439A, Acc 613A, Federal League Records, 1930-1933.
Acc 465A, File of notes concerning the preparation of the Case
for Union by William Somerville.
MN47 - Acc 948A, Harold Boas papers - correspondence concerning secession
movement and Federal League.
MN297, Sir Charles Nathan papers (1914-1934) - 1933 President of
the Federal League.
PR56, "Whither Australia? Whither Western Australia" (1935)
by H.K. Watson (11pp. illustrations on seccession)
PR1011, Various leaflets and pamphlets 1930-34.
PR6242, "A fortune in Federation: facts for Fremantle in favor
of Federation: national argument as affecting the people, based upon actuarial
report", Perth c1899, by W.E. Moxon.
PR8823, The Westralian Secession Movement - 9 items from the 1970s.
PR10562, Federal League of Western Australia (1933).
PR10563, Dominion League (1930-34).
Oral Histories
OH105, Gladys Beatrice York
OH289, Cyril George Dudley
OH918, Jessie T Burnett
OH1465, Don Thomas
OH2144, Ralph Doig
OH3009, Campbell Sharman
OH3010, Norm Harris
OH3011, Sir Ronald Wilson
OH3012, Geoff Gallop
OH3013, Dee Margetts
OH3014, Petrice Judge
OH3015, Edie Hoy Poy
OH3016, Greg Craven
Albany Advertiser
Coolgardie Miner
Greenbushes Advocate and Donnybrook and Bridgetown Advertiser
The Daily News
Kalgoorlie Miner
The West Australian
The Western Mail
The Westralian Worker
The Sunday Times
Bastin, John, "The Separation for Federation Movement ...
a reply", Journal and proceedings Western Australian Historical
Society, 1949, vol. 4, part 4 (1952), pp. 3-11.
Bastin, John, The West Australian federation movement: a study
in pressure groups: a thesis submitted for the degree of Master of Arts
in the University of Melbourne, July 1951. (Melbourne: the author,
Black, David, Federation issues, (Perth: Western Australian Constitutional
Forums and People's Conventions, 1998).
Bolton, G.C., A fine country to starve in, (UWA Press; 1972).
Court, Richard, Rebuilding the Federation: an audit and history
of state powers and responsibilities usurped by the Commonwealthion the
years since Federation, (Perth: Ministry of the Premier and the Cabinet,
Western Australia, 1994).
Craven, Gregory, Implications of a republic for Western Australia,
(Perth: Western Australian Constitutional Forums and People's Conventions,
Craven, Gregory, Secession: the ultimate States right (Carlton,
Victoria: University of Melbourne Press, 1986).
Crowley, F.K, Australias western third: a history of Western
Australia from the first settlements to modern times, (London; 1960).
Haebich, A., For their own good: Aborigines and government in
the southwest of Western Australia 1900-1940, (UWA Press; 1992).
Lovekin, A., Can we secede from the Commonwealth? : a paper
read before the Dominion League of Western Australia at Burt Memorial
Hall, Perth, on May 23, 1930, (Perth: Frederick William Simpson, Government
Printer, 1930).
Matheson, Alec, Federation as it affects Western Australia -
a paper read before the Fremantle Literary Institute on the 17th of March,
1899, (Perth: Perth Printing Works, 1899).
Mossenson, David, "Separation movement on the Eastern Goldfields,
1894-1904," Journal and proceedings Western Australian Historical
Society 1949, vol.4, part 5(1953), pp. 41 -58.
Phillips, H., Black, D., Bott, B. & Fischer, T., Representing
the people: parliamentary government in Western Australia, (Fremantle
Arts Centre Press, 1998).
Watt, E.D., Western separatism: The history of the secession
movement in Western Australia, 1918-1935 (UWA, 1957).
The Australian dictionary of biography, (Melbourne University Press,
Melbourne, 1966 - )
The report of the Western Australian Constitutional Committee (1995).
The future of the Federation/ an issues paper by the Western Australian
Constitutional Committee, (Perth: The Committee, 1994).
The case for union: a reply to the case for the secession of the state
of Western Australia/ prepared by a committee consisting of Sir Robert
Garran, J.H.Keating,William Somerville and David John Gilbert, (Canberra:
Government Printer, 1934).
The case of the people of Western Australia: in support of their desire
to withdraw from the Commonwealth of Australia established under the Commonwealth
ofAustralia Constitution Act (Imperial), and that Western Australia be
restored to its former status as a separate self-governing colony in the
British Empire, (Perth:Government Printer, 1934).
Transcontinental railway from Kalgoorlie, W.A., to Port Augusta, S.A.
: report of conference of Engineers-in-chief, (Melbourne, 1903).
Correspondence relating to the Federation Conference in Australia
Manifesto of Eastern Goldfields Reform League of Western Australia: separation
for federation: adopted by the conference held at Kalgoorlie, WA, January
1900. (Coolgardie, WA: HC Mott & Co.,1900).
Australasian Federation Conference (1890).
Petition to Her Majesty the Queen from persons residing on the Eastern
Goldfields, together with a refutation of the statements made in the petition,
by Sir John Forrest, (Perth: Government Printer, 1900).
Petition to Her Majesty the Queen from persons residing in the town of
Albany and the district near it, together with a report on the statements
made in the petition, by the Right Honourable Sir John Forrest, (Perth:
Government Printer, 1900).